5 April 2013

Creating font

So I looked up traditional German typefaces which would fit the feel of my originally German story and I came back with Schwabacher, it fits perfectly, kind of harsh but traditional, the font itself looks like a work of art so will hopefully make my images that much stronger for using it.

I used images like the one here as a structure for my own form of text...

My book so far.... not quite page 1

The front cover...

...this is just a digital representation of how my front cover will look, the black part will be a type of stiff card so that I can make it a stencil/cut out cover to see the patterened paper/inner page behind it.

London zoo

Another research mission, this time to london zoo....

the aquarium was one of the nicest and warmest parts of the zoo, possibility for an underwater series?
but the rainforest enclosure was also lovely, especially after the mist's were sprayed into the tree tops...

Animal Morphing

While developing my characters for my Grimm's fairytale book i found that using photographs of people i knew took something away from the story maybe that's because i know them to be different from the characters that Ive created but either way i knew they needed to be changed. What then inspired me was a TV series called 'Grimm' about detectives of the supernatural but what interested me was that some of the characters could be half human and half creature, for example there was clans of half wolf type people called blue bloods which would later tie into the story of little red riding hood and the three little pigs.

Anyway from my recent trip to London zoo i had lots of images that i could combine with my normal characters which definitely add to the eeriness of the book I'm creating, and from a psychological point of view my characters will be easier to fit into the readers imagination as they aren't already a person who may be judged on the way they look as well as being more memorable.

Above is the example of a blue blood from 'Grimm'
Below is my interpretation

illustration and printmaking year 3

My final year as a student at uel. So time to get cracking with the big projects and decide what type of artist I really am!

Best make the most of it!