21 May 2011

A Demand for Thomas

Thomas Demand

Being a sculptor and a photographer Thomas demand has found a unique approach that makes all of his images stand out from the crowd. He makes images of rooms and other spaces that initially look real but are, in fact, three-dimensional models, mostly life sized, meticulously constructed entirely from coloured paper and cardboard. My favorite image that Demand has created has to be those that are outside, such as the outside of a house that appears to be covered in ivy. I think it’s the intricate detail of each leaf that makes the image work for me as it makes the scene seem like a fairy tale.
Once he has photographed his re-created environments, always devoid of figures but often displaying evidence of recent human activity, Demand destroys his models, further complicating the relationship between reproduction and original that his photography investigates.
“If art makes you feel something, then the expense is worth it.” Thomas Demand
So as he considers his work as art and he pushes the medium of photography it’s these qualities that will keep his artwork original and iconic.

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