14 March 2012

Selfridges holds the museum of everything

The museum of everything (that nobody wants)
I have been dragged to the museum of everything 3 times now and every time I can't help want to leave almost immediately. I try to give every artist my time of day to appreciate what they have created but the carnival style of the exhibitions makes me feel like the shows inside should be exciting and intriguing while to me they give me the opposite feeling, as if there is too much substance on show in such a confined space.
The latest exhibition was in Selfridges in London but was still as claustrophobic and 'wacky' as the others, with its multicoloured streamers and makeshift interior walls giving the exhibition a shabby feeling which is then contrasted with the open, tidy stairway (part of Selfridges) that breaks the overall atmosphere  for the exhibition. So it's not the works themselves that I have a problem with it's the way they are presented.
So, on a lighter note one of the artists I was mildly fond of was Ted Willcox and his embroidered pin up girls, I liked how he used a craft skill such as embroidery to portray these women on such a bright patterned background as although the background is so busy the women are still the main focus.
Exhibition #3 is now closed, but Exhibition #4 is on its way later this year.

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