21 May 2011


What is modernism?
¨     Based on social change and technology
¨     Never focused on today but on the tomorrow
¨     Example: industrial revolution
The course of action for modernisation is to create new human environments and destroy old ones, speed up the tempo of life, cause democratic upheavals from ancestral habits and finally to create an ever expanding, drastically capitalist world.
Affects of modernisation based on Marx theory:
¨     Machinery capable of reducing human labour but we see them starving and overworked
¨     Man masters nature but is enslaved by other men
¨     Revolution – over throw the bourgeois
What is postmodernism?
Firstly it need to be noted that the term postmodernism is grammatically wrong, as post means after, whereas postmodernism is actually running alongside modernism so if anything I find it easier to think of postmodernism as anti-modernism as it supports an opposite cause.
Postmodernism rejects Western values and beliefs as only a small part of the human experience and often rejects such ideas, beliefs, culture, and norms.
Affects of postmodernism based on Nietzsche:
¨     Christian ideals are destroyed
¨     ‘the Death of God’ through knowledge of the universe
¨     Absence and emptiness of values
¨     Become mediocre

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