20 May 2011

Susan Sontag

On Photography

Below is the summary of the notes I took in the lecture on Susan Sontag, most of which I think as a whole is all you need to know about photography from the perspective of Susan as a theorist even if it is a bit choppy I feel it gets the point across. Short and sweet.
The effects of photography can tell us that:
·         The cave has changed our world
·         what is worth looking at
·         The grammar and ethics of seeing
·         The whole world as an anthology of images
·         To collect photos is to collect the world
Putting yourself in relation to the world:
·         Abstracting
·         Scale, cropping, retouching and blowing up
·         Packaging the world
Whatever the limitations (through amateurism) or pretentions (through artistry) a photograph is seen to be more innocent than any other kind of media.
Realist theories that affect people and are taken to heart when the photographs are taken:
Position and behaviour of photographs
The viewer/audience
Context of the image
But everyone is influenced by
·         Taste
·         Conscience
·         Selective interpretation
Images which are idealise:
·         Most fashion images
·         Most animal
Photographs are used for control:
·         Police
·         Passports
·         Identity cards (drivers licence)
What do photographs portray? Why do we take photographs?
The family album- evidence of being a good parent
The internet album- evidence of being a good friend
Tourism- certify experience of the world

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